电影《寻找伴郎 I Love You, Man》完整版免费在线观看

寻找伴郎 I Love You, Man7

导演:约翰 / 汉博格

演员:保罗 / Gregory George Frank / 列农 / 尼尔 / 泽科尔 / 维基 / 史密斯 / 威尔莫 / 克朗姆霍茨 / 安迪 / 盖洛 / 西蒙斯 / 拉什达 / Dennis James Anderson / 瑞特曼







彼得(保罗·路德 Paul Rudd 饰)和佐伊(拉希达·琼斯 Rashida jones 饰)订婚了。在佐伊兴奋地向姐妹们报喜之时,彼得却发现自己居然找不出可以来做伴郎的死党。在走投无路的情况下,彼德开始了寻找伴郎的“相亲”过程。
寻找伴郎的过程并不顺利,直到他遇到了神奇希德尼(杰森·西格尔 Jason Segel 饰)。希德尼激发出来不善于交际的彼得内心深处的潜能,俩个人成为无话不谈的朋友,曾至还组成了一个乐队。他们没完没了的聊天、打游戏、遛狗,几乎每天24个小时都粘在一起,这种狂热的关系最终影响到了彼得和未婚妻佐伊的感情。佐伊受不了自己的未婚夫满脑子装着另外一个男人,于是向他发出最后通牒,让他在哥们和自己中做出一个选择。



  • 来自网友【他他】的评论An unoffensive, genuinely funny American bromance comedy is at a premium in the cinematic sphere, John Hamburg’s I LOVE YOU, MAN is a modest achievement mostly thanks to the amiable chemistry between Paul Rudd and Jason Segel, and it doesn’t lay on thick the genre’s go-to stock-on-trades like crude jokes, macho braggadocio or lavatory humor (though projectile vomiting is a perennial gag).Rudd plays Peter, a Los Angeles realtor realizes that he doesn’t have a suitable male friend who can be his best man after being affianced with Zoey (Jones), with time is ticking, Peter desperately looks for a newfound best buddy, and after several clangers (include an inadvertent gay kiss), a perfect candidate crops up in the person of Sydney Fife (Segel), an investor whose man cave becomes Peter’s new stomping ground, where they buddy up through their mutual love of Rush and jam together. If Peter represents the totally non-threatening everyday man, radiant in front of the opposite sex, has a cushy job and healthy family, dares not reveal his quibble about his sex life to his girlfriend, almost anonymous in character but basically a good, straight-up guy; Sydney seems not far on the sliding scale, laid-back, open-faced, no strings attached, and is brutally honest in his sometimes unsolicited advise, but is he essentially a good guy? Hamburg slyly plays the trick of Sydney’s pecuniary request which in reality is often the deal-breaker of untested friendship, that necessitates some semblance of vague suspense in this otherwise straightforward, paint-by-number romcom. Relationship discord inevitably transpires when blokey bonding exceeds the boundary, but thankfully, the film doesn’t let women take the blame for two men just want to have some innocuous fun, Zoe is, for what it is worth, the apparent enabler of the two buddies’ reconciliation, though, she is merely gilding the lily in this feel-good, contentment-inducing entertainment that for once, emits some positive vibes about male-bonding without being overly crass, homophobic or sexist, does Hollywood still make comedies like that anymore? referential entries: Judd Apatow’s KNOCKED UP (2007, 7.2/10); Shawn Levy’s DATE NIGHT (2010, 5.6/10).
  • 来自网友【越西】的评论我看着颗猕猴桃 眼泪突然被引爆 我可不是 可不是 特别爱闹 这叫做 这叫做 心灵感召 不信你问李清照 我天生不爱炫耀 却太多艺术细胞 我谈的情 拍的拖 也许很少 中的枪 捱的刀 受的煎熬 华丽得无法低调 为什么 全世界的恋 我都失一遍 为所有的悲剧 当特约演员 我伤得断肠 我哭得夸张 像一套港产片 为何 普天下的泪 我先流一遍 市面上的纸巾 都由我代言 站在我旁边 你不算可怜 这也是种贡献 被分手的那一秒 我疯狂往海边跑 你有什么资格说 我很无聊 你那次淋着雨 失控咆哮 廉价小说那一套 为什么 全世界的恋 我都失一遍 为所有的悲剧 当特约演员 我伤得断肠 我哭得夸张 像一套港产片 为何 普天下的泪 我先流一遍 市面上的纸巾 都由我代言 站在我旁边 你不算可怜 这世界本来就是场 真人秀表演 实在难避免 幕揭开 全世界的恋 我都失一遍 为所有的悲剧 当特约演员 我伤得断肠 我哭得夸张 只为了红几年