来自网友【岱兮】的评论三个月前在飞机上看完的这部电影,没有什么太深刻的印象。今天查资料,幡然醒悟!金翅雀的画家是Carel Fabritius!是公认的伦勃朗最具天赋的学生!他本人死于1654年10月12日荷兰Delft的一场爆炸。他被从碎石堆里救出的时候还没有死…但是受伤太重,不治身亡。读到最痛心的是这段话:Fabritius was only 32 when he died. How many paintings were destroyed by the gunpowder disaster? How would Fabritius have been remembered had he lived for longer? Would he still be Rembrandt’s most talented pupil? Or the pupil who surpassed his master?如果他还活着,也许会成为比伦勃朗更伟大的艺术家。自画像,National Gallery, 1654,Fabritius在世的最后一年极有创意的视角,这幅画尺幅极小,三个手掌大小,可能是为perspective box画的装饰 在现实中,自1654年的爆炸之后,金翅雀就下落不明了,后来在1859年在布鲁塞尔第一次出现。Art critic Thoré discovered The Goldfinch in a private collection in Brussels in 1859. He did everything he could to secure the painting for himself. ‘Don’t forget I absolutely must have their Goldfinch...’, he wrote to a friend in 1861. And it worked: after the owner– with whom he had maintained a good relationship - died, Thoré received The Goldfinch as a gift.(又是Thoré??)Mauritshuis的金翅雀网站:http://puttertje.mauritshuis.nl/en/the-mauritshuis"A chained bird. Beautiful, a little sad. ""One of the most compelling paintings in Western art" Dr. Tico Seifert, Senior Curator at the Scottish National Gallery. “A tiny, stand-alone masterpiece.” Donna Tartt, The Goldfinch 没有读过原著,现在很好奇了。金翅雀8.1[美]唐娜·塔特 / 2018 / 人民文学出版社