来自网友【Louise】的评论✨Don't kill anyone for me,please. Whatever you want. ⭐️I've lost count of the amount of times you've been there for me and everyone you care about,but today,you saved someone.Who doesn't mean a thing to you. Why? Because you wished it.Because what's important to you is important to me.What makes you happy makes me want to keep you so.What scares you I want to tear apart.I do notwish to watch you from behind glass,Camille. 💫We talked about the artist wanting to control his demons. Do you think he ever did? Some demons will not be tamed. We just do the best we can. . .and never give up. 💫It's funny. . .Even though we're so different. . .I feel like I've always known you.Maybe it's because I've been in your mind,or maybe that's just how you know you love someone. 💫When I said I was ready to die,I was full of it.And I just wish I had done more than to serve a few drinks and fail completely as your therapist. Don't you think for a moment that you failed me.You stayed my hand.Quelled my rage.You inspired goodness in me.And unlike all of the souls I've encountered and forgotten in the long march of time. . .I will carry you with me. I guess that makes me immortal. 💫Do you remember the Bible verse on John's headstone?"The light shines in the darkness,and the darkness has not overcome it."I was never naive enough to think that. . .I was your light.But there is light in you. 💫Do not be afraid.You go now where many have gone before you.And where even I will go in time.Just know. . .there will be no more pain. No more heart break.You will find peace.
来自网友【Leon Winters W】的评论我只能说大姐回归时那么的强大,现在随随便便就被奥罗拉制服也真是醉了。原本的初代始祖们这么强大,现在这些后继者居然随便就把他们逼入绝境,一会么想到法子要“圈养”他们,一会又比他们快一步拿到狼人心脏。他们反而是一步步被追着反抗的进阶,突然弱爆了。。。。希望快些恢复王者风范。————————————————————-以下此文献给大K:从第一季未出场就可以让所有人闻风丧胆的最古老的吸血鬼,到第二季仅仅是附身他人,就可以把世界搅得天荒地乱的Niklaus。从第一次听到“最古老的吸血鬼”时认定他是个“老头子”到第二季登场时他展露的俾睨天下,舍我其谁的气势他一直是孤独的,上千年来,一直,一直那么孤独着~~他说在这千年的岁月里,他曾想过死可最后他却杀死了他唯一的亲人们带着他们的棺材孤独的行走了上千年~~ 他也曾是人类,他本可以陪着心爱的妻子带着可爱孩子度过他的一生可他偏偏就是个吸血鬼始祖,狼人,混血儿他不再是Niklaus 他说 Niklaus is the name given by my father, please, calls me Klaus 没有了人性,没有了家人,没有了爱,一切都没有了他耗费千年想把自己变成最特别的存在他耗费岁月想把他们变成最特别的同类他只是想要更多的人陪他分享这千年的辉煌,这永世孤独他想称霸世界,没错!可他更想在拥有那份荣耀的时候,身边还有人微笑着祝福他,陪他分享这整个世界他只是不想再孤独了,千年孤寂,够了!那像祭曲一样的音乐,陪衬着他的心情祭奠着他的亲人,祭奠着他自己他那满身的鲜血,如同征战沙场的王者荣耀着,辉煌着...悲凉着,落寞着...Loneliness,Stefan .That`s why you and I memorialize our deadSo gathering other people`s letters or writing their names on a wall...It`s a reminderThat in the end we`re left infinitely and utterly alone最终只剩下无穷无尽的孤独了