电视剧《纽约黑帮 Gangs of New York》完整版免费在线观看

纽约黑帮 Gangs of New York7.6

导演:马丁 / 斯科塞斯

演员:James Ramsay / 迪卡普里奥 / 纳扎雷诺 / 埃迪 / 麦科尔麦克 / 阿什顿-格里菲斯 / 约翰 / 伯恩 / 蒂姆 / 布莱丹 / 罗杰 / 格里森 / 亚历克 / 丹尼尔 / 马森





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一个多世纪前的纽约,腐败政客用见不得人的龌龊手段争夺着这个城市的官方领导权;而在曼哈顿岛五分区、包里区、天堂广场一带,爱尔兰移民的黑帮组织“死兔党”和“本地党”则明目张胆地以武力争夺着地盘和一切可以占有的东西…… 《纽约黑帮》海报 “死兔党”的老帮主普瑞斯特·维伦(连恩·尼森)被“本地人党”的头儿、“屠夫”比尔·普尔(丹尼尔·戴-刘易斯)干掉,死者年轻的儿子阿姆斯特丹·维伦(莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥)继承了首领的位置。当然,他上任后的第一桩“买卖”就是杀死比尔替父亲报仇。然而,帮派之间历时数年的争斗使得其间的孰是孰非已经纠缠不清,“屠夫”比尔又真的是个冷血凶残、杀人不眨眼的屠夫,这些都让阿姆斯特丹的复仇计划困难重重。 结识女贼珍妮·埃佛迪安(卡梅伦·迪雅兹)似乎让事情出现了转机,她的帮助给了阿姆斯特丹新的希望,而且两人在互相的合作、利用中渐渐坠入了爱河——谁知道这对于复仇之路究竟是福还是祸呢……


  • 来自网友【miao】的评论I like Leonardo but even better... Daniel day LewisBritish actor 😉 Irish vs America born in early New York Yes a lot of the first settlers were English. Irish. Danish. Lots of Italians came later USA is a mix of European settlers Lewis is the American side Irish often have ginger hair.fighting for the Irish before now he's corrupt police. president Kennedy, Jimmy Carter? Theyr Irish Many Americans have Irish ancestors. He has a normal sized house even u think he doesn't spend much money in his life and actually people don't recognise him irl very often lol I remember a story of an actor on a movie set going to have lunch with his friend. And Daniel day Lewis' wife was in the movie, so he came to pick her up. The actor said he saw his friend talking to some guy. And he ignored him and only said to his friend "let's go for lunch". And later his friend tells him that was Daniel day Lewis and he felt so embarassed he totally ignored the best actor of all time 😂 He didn't know it's him. He thought he's maybe sound or camera guy discussing with his friend about a scene Means Americans born there dont want Irish immigrants coming in and changing everything. Majority of them means they get majority votes etc Yeh usa is all immigrants besides the native tribes Well the Irish were hated for a long time. Similar to Jews and black people Too many and the stick together creates hate. Imagine now ur city's just flooded with Taiwanese. And they think different and have fiffrfrbt culture to chiense. Even maybe thier own dialect or language. Now suddenly u feel ur city is full of foreigners and theyr given citizenship as soon as they arrive and now there's more of them than native people. That's how the butcher feels
  • 来自网友【B·B】的评论这是一部关于复仇的故事。个人的复仇仇恨的故事,与整个时代的焦点问题 交织在一起,最终强烈的个人仇恨复仇的故事消隐在无数个个人仇恨的故事的时代大背景中。纽约 城市不断的变化,在历史的长河中 那些曾经发生过的无数个真实强烈的个体故事,尘归尘土归土 最终融汇在历史的长河中,若干年过去后,那些曾经的故事变成了一个一个的传说……好了不唠叨了 字数够了 说说屠夫吧其实最后屠夫并没有死,由于时代的变迁 他后来转行跨界了 进入到时尚行业做了裁缝,他放下了屠刀 拿起了剪刀,成为了知名的服装设计师。