电影《穿孔 Puncture》高清免费在线观看

穿孔 Puncture6.8

导演:卡森 / 凯森 / 亚当 / 马克

演员:克里斯 / 詹姆斯 / 德西尔瓦 / 迈克尔 / 贝尔 / 马丁 / 比恩 / 珍妮弗 / 迪安娜 / 大卫 / 埃文斯 / 尤灵 / 卡博夫斯基 / 布罗尚 / 博恩







《小孔》由亚当·卡森和马克·卡森兄弟执导。迈克·魏斯(克里斯·埃文斯饰)是一个年轻的有才华的休斯顿律师,同时他也是一个吸毒者。保罗·丹齐格是迈克·魏斯的老朋友兼合作伙伴。他们有一家自己的律师事务所,一次偶然的机会他们认识了薇吉(凡妮莎·肖 饰),一个当地的急诊室护士,在工作中使用污染的针头。迈克和保罗深入了解展开调查,意外揭发了一个惊天大阴谋……
真人真事改编,一出以弱胜强的法律剧。一名滥用药物成瘾的律师(克里斯伊文 饰演)却接到当地医疗院所的控诉案件,一名急诊室护士(凡妮莎萧 饰演)因为不小心扎到针头而不幸感染艾滋病...当他极欲打赢这场官司时同时必须面对自己的心魔。
A David and Goliath law drama about a drug-addicted lawyer who takeson a health supply corporation while battling his own personal demons.



  • 来自网友【冯爱冰】的评论     相信看过本片的人,尤其是JMS,其中相当一部分是冲着克里斯来的,当然,我也是。   从《神奇四侠》,到《到床伴逐个数》,这个有俊脸肌身的美国偶像确确实实得征服了流口水的我,微笑的眼睛、浓密的眼睫毛、总是一副玩世不恭的神态,说实话,这偶像当得实实在在。本来期待说《美国队长》会有些许的突破,然而老套路的英雄主义和鬼马的70年不腐结局难免让关注者们有一种见面不如闻名的感觉,毕竟,我们并没有《美国队长》的原版漫画情结,无法对这种只玩噱头的片子激情澎湃。当时我觉得,完蛋了,偶像只就是偶像吧。   《穿孔》是2011年就上映的,但是我2012年才观看,观看原因当然还是因为主演:克里斯·埃文斯,刚开始抱着试试看的心态,但是看着看着就开始认真了起来。    这次克里斯饰演了一个不入流的律师,瘾君子、PLAYBOY、失败的婚姻、微薄的收入、扎着不入流的大红领带、蹬着不入流的吊腿裤子,片头与两个纹身女在床上吸毒时,镜头只TAKE到克里斯的脖子以下,哇,满身的纹身几乎把他那标识性的好身材都挡住了,当时天真的我还以为是与故事主线相关的某个怪蜀黍,后来镜头表明原来这怪蜀黍就是克里斯,我小小地吐了一口血。    吐血归吐血,还得继续看。     这个麦克魏很有意思。半夜CALL拍档讨论案件,扎着红领带在法庭慷慨陈词,在车上在床上随时随地灌药片,对着满墙的案件线索思考,沉默地看完偷拍录像愤而出门,这个人有着自信、敏感、神经质、善良、悲伤、愤怒、绝望与坚持,他的情感转变推动整个片子发展再发展,他不是个阳光的人,他灰色的人生也不会充满阳光,最终他死去了,导演没言明是他杀还是意外,然而这些都不重要,他的死戏剧性但也是必然性。他死了,但他确实没有被settle。    而克里斯的成功,在于他真的成为了麦克魏。克里斯带着观众读了一遍麦克魏,让观众了解了这是怎样的人。   如果作为观众的你也喜欢这个叫克里斯·埃文斯的男人,去看看《穿孔》吧,真的不错。
  • 来自网友【philton】的评论Do I wanna take down any note? Maybe.Michael David Weiss, the fucked up lawyer, the miserable loser, and the one who fell off before seeing his impossible triumph, left a question to us: Why could such an asshole bring strength to people around him after his doomed failure? He was destined to get endless troubles after that reckless decision, made along with his partner Paul Danziger, to accept the big case against the powerful monopoly of medical industry. They were nobody back then, and Michael himself was already problematic at the time - he was a druggie, with an unstable family. Anyway, it was already a mission impossible.They saw the difficulties from the very beginning, but they wanna bring the valuable products to the publicity through this case. They hoped that this new kind of safety syringes could save numerous lives from accidents or unclean reused needles.Quite soon, Michael and Paul found themselves losing businesses, losing insurances and losing cooperators. And it's quite clear who were behind all these. Unable to transfer this devastating case to any other law agents, they had to go on by themselves. But they couldn't hold on there long enough without supplies. Even after they managed to see an Senator for help, they learned quickly that the monopoly started to donate cashes to the Senator. In fact during the way of the case, Michael was not so firm. He also hesitated, but he chose to fight in the end. After his partner decided to accept a deal from the Monopoly for the client, he went up to see the representative of the Monopoly to show he wouldn't quit and would fight by himself alone. Then suddenly he died one day after a drug overdose, with some one-time needles by the side of him. He lost his own life before he could save more. Learning the death, Paul and the safety syringes producers changed their attitudes, refused the deal already made with the Monopoly and decided to go on to the court. Now more and more hospitals are using this new safety syringes. As a fool, playboy, madman, druggie and also a lawyer and friend, Michael's behavior demonstrated the verse repeated in the film:"Sometimes the brightest light comes from the darkest place."