来自网友【脚后跟干枯】的评论 第一季差不多第五集之前几条线和人物命运都无比精妙的联系起来,细腻、悲怆而深刻。第二季皮条客们骤然退场,成了毛片大师的成长史。后面酒吧佬那条线,cop的那条线可有可无,或许是人物关系和进程过于庞杂,导演也没办法更好的串起来。酒吧佬和abby那样有些冗长而暗淡地对白,干巴巴的着实有些浪费胶片的感觉。第三季干到最后红灯区彻底大清洗,整个节奏和人物命运散乱地交织其中,“食之味不足”... 第三季最后一集,黑人警督的一席话又点燃了一些东西,只可惜是本剧最后的闪光。当然,只有老者去重拾时光的碎片,年轻的肉体从来都是风风火火的。如果你对一条街道毫无感情,那么你会在走到路的尽头时,必定在另外的平行时空投入到时间的怀抱。或许我们都不是坏人,只是境遇不好。可悲的是,会忘我们在逝去的岁月里相互算计、撕咬,当一切尘埃落定的时候我们又会莫名的悲伤起来。As flies to wanton boys are we to the gods.They kill us for their sport.—— ShakespeareAll we do is push the shit to another corner of the room so people have space enough to build fresh shit and make money. Someone spends a dollar and makes ten or a hundred or a thousand, but the people? All those shitted-up souls I policed all those years and all that mess, they just hang on. Every day the same until we need the ground they're standing on,then we move them along. Will the city be better or worse, Lieutenant Alston?—— S03E08