

导演:Marc Fehse

演员:麦凯拉 / 戴夫 / 罗伯特 / 托尼 / 阿曼达 / 格雷戈里 / 普林斯 / 普林西比 / 帕克 / 迈克尔 / 芭芭拉 / 托拜西 / 比尔斯 / 德特勒夫 / 博恩哈特





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  • 来自网友【申由己】的评论片尾曲取自德国Kreator乐队2017年专辑《 Gods of Violence 》。歌词如下: Suddenly we are at war 恍然间已立于沙场之上 Supremacists have forced us to align 天选之子命我等结好阵线 With fear itself the poisoner 惧意如毒液般浸入脑髓 The final level with no front lines 已无前线交锋之辞,只因处处遍布杀戮 Epochal evil spirits of depression 以绝望之名,唤醒新纪元的恶魂 The passion breaking free 嗜血的激情自理智中挣脱 Dogmatists of horror start the fire randomly 统御恐怖的独裁者们漫然地燃起战火 Watch a massacre becoming cultural genocide 冷眼望着滴血的屠杀化作文明的绝灭 Lost rebel youth demonized 迷失的反抗者们抹灭伪善之光 See the pain! 见证这苦痛! Hear the cries! 聆听那哭号! Seeds of hate! 仇恨的种子! Sowed by lies! 被谎言栽下! Darkest times! 黑暗的时日! Hold your ground! 坚守住信仰! As the tyrants scream it out: 暴君们一同高声呼号: World war now! 末日之战就在此刻! Suddenly we are at war 倏忽间执剑无畏前进 Vultures climb the rotting corpse of truth 鹫鸟攀上真理的腐烂残躯 Unbearable atrocities 无可容忍的暴行 Where paranoia's dictating the rules 妄想者擅意改写起法则 Troops are blasting silhouettes 战士们宛如泛着耀光的剪影 Vile aggressors slaughter 卑劣的侵袭者大开杀戒 Intellectual defense 智者们守护起众生的高墙 Literati terrorism conquer and divide 史官记载血染的历史,任其流传于世 Freedom is the final sacrifice 所谓自由,不过是最后的牺牲! See the pain! 直视哀毁骨立的痛楚! Hear the cries! 倾听绝望缠绕的泣声! Seeds of hate! 那铭刻入血源的仇恨! Sowed by lies! 在谎言的土地上生根发芽! Darkest times! 黑暗的夜,却再无下一个黎明! Hold your ground! 唯有信仰之力,是最后的希望! As the tyrants scream it out! 渎神的圣言从暴君口中嘶喊而出! See the pain! 直视哀毁骨立的痛楚! Feel the fear! 感触撕裂魂魄的恐惧! Plants of hate! 仇恨之花在毒汁浇灌中结果! Sieged frontier! 四极八荒皆陷于兵燹! Darkest times! 黑暗残夜后,再无黎明! Hold your ground! 唯有信仰之力,是最后的希望! As the tyrants scream it out: 渎神的圣言从暴君口中嘶喊而出: World war now! 决战已至! Can't you feel our earth is burning? 你感受不到大地燃烈的脉搏吗? World war now 那是战火 World war now 是焚尽天地的战火 One million hands turn into fists 千百万人攥拳奋臂而起 Can't you feel the end is coming? 你感受不到那浩劫的降临吗? World war now 浩劫之战,审判之战 World war now 天启之战,末日之战 Six billion souls at the abyss 世人皆被困于渊狱 This is the world war now 这是最后一战! See the pain! 凝视噬心齑魂的痛楚! Hear the cries! 谛听形神俱灭的哭号! Seeds of hate! 仇恨凝成的不安之种! Sowed by lies! 在谎言的赤地上滋生蔓长! Darkest times! 这是历史上最黑暗的时日! Hold your ground! 恪守住你所信仰的一切! As the tyrants scream it out! 高声与暴君们一起尖啸吧! See the pain! 这世上所可见的万象万物,唯有痛苦! Feel the fear! 这世上所可感的至高之道,不过恐惧! Plants of hate! 但见以血肉作花叶的仇恨之树 Sieged frontier! 将杀戮的枝蔓伸向八荒! Darkest times! 你可曾认清这绝望的疯狂时代? Hold your ground! 唯有信仰不会为那尸山血海陪葬! As the tyrants scream it out! 暴君们,狂呼怒号、嘶吼啸叫吧! World war now! 因为末日之战就在此刻! Aaaaaaaaaaaargh! World war now!!! 让战争粉碎一切吧! WORLD WAR NOW!!!!!! 让这最后的决战,毁灭一切吧!