电影《理工学院 Polytechnique》全集在线免费观看

理工学院 Polytechnique7.4

导演:丹尼斯 / 维伦纽瓦

演员:布洛初 / 塞巴斯蒂安 / 瓦纳斯 / Pierre Leblanc / 索菲 / 于贝尔多 / 马斯特 / 马克西姆 / 德马雷 / 皮埃尔-伊夫 / 朱利安 / 高德特 / 斯特凡 / 卡琳 / 伊夫林





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1989年12月6日,加拿大东南部港口城市蒙特利尔为白雪所覆盖,肃杀阴冷的气候仿佛预示着一场悲剧即将降临。面目清秀却布满阴翳的青年(马克西姆·戈德特 Maxim Gaudette 饰),驾驶汽车来到魁北克理工学院。校园内,青年男女自由交谈,畅想未来,殊不知死神的脚步正在迫近。青年拎着枪走入校园,他将愤恨的子弹射向那些所谓的女权主义者。白雪为鲜血染红,霎那即为永恒……


  • 来自网友【Reposado】的评论Villenueve [9/11] Filled with academic skills and nothing his own. It seems Nolan is more conscious about who he is than Villeneuve in their early stage. The character of the killer in this movie is similar to the hero's in Crime and Punishment, can't stop thinking if that image in Nietzsche's mind is a hero taking a gun walk around in academic building when he said a superman in the crowd is same as a lion in the herd. Diverse from this movie, which provides the reason or the thoughts of hero, the World between Us provides nothing, except a Beyond Good and Evil. The title Polytechnic might be an inory or satire (what's the difference between inory and satire? ). Never expect to see gender issues in a 00s moive. In the beginning, gender view exists, camera shoots the hole processes of heroine's dressing and the killer's gun assembling, and the heroine complain about sexism or sexual discrimination in occupation. Nevertheless, the entire killing, which is main content of this story, is not about gender but political philosophy probably (it seems political philosophy need no gender presetting even against it if we put it in this way). If gender view is right, than the existence of the hero killed by himself and the heroine in polytechnic don't make sense anymore (the hero who killed by himself and the heroine in polytechnic both are strangers in the group that they belong). The reason of the killing is the kill who is a human put himself in god place, his behaviors tell before and after his killer tell us his is not god but a human with human's limitation as an edge. There's a tragedy of human nature expansion essentially. It's a method to create intertextuality that make a teacher talks about contents of thermodynamics, it shows up in Enemy parallel, replacing thermodynamics with history.(Gosh, why did it costs three lines in Enghish that one line in Chinese could make it clear totally ?) It's a pity that couldn't watching this movie, which is just an hour nearly, in one take. After the gun fired, time went rapidly.