电影《疯狂店员 Clerks》全集免费在线观看

疯狂店员 Clerks8.1

导演:凯文 / 史密斯

演员:Virginia Smith / 布莱恩 / 弗拉纳根 / Scott Schiaffo / 杰森 / Joe Bagnole / Vincent Pereira / 沃尔特 / 斯科特 / Melissa Crawford / 玛丽琳 / 杰夫 / 加里 / 斯特恩 / Kimberly Loughran





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美国的小众独立电影,讲述了便士多店小店员但丁(布莱恩·奥哈罗兰 Brian O'Halloran 饰)郁闷抓狂的一天。过了睡眠质量极差的一晚后,但丁大清早被老板叫去加班。这只是倒霉的一天的起始,接下来,还有更多麻烦事情接踵而至,开店门、喷标语、遇见唠叨的反吸烟人士阻挠店面生意。一个头两个大的但丁,还要和前来店铺的女朋友维罗尼卡(玛丽莲·吉格洛尔蒂 Marilyn Ghigliotti饰)交流性生活经验。结果落得个不欢而散,因为女朋友拥有过的性伴侣数目实在令但丁叹为观止。


  • 来自网友【宝柚】的评论光读台词都觉得跃然纸上,笑得不行DANTE: My life is in the shitter right about now, so if you don't mind, I'd like to stew a bit. RANDAL: (O.C.) That's all bullshit. You know what the real problem here is? DANTE: I was born. RANDAL: You should shit or get off the pot. DANTE: I should shit or get off the pot. RANDAL: Yeah, you should shit or get off the pot. DANTE: What are you talking about? RANDAL: I'm talking about this thing you have...this inability to improve your situation in life. DANTE: Fuck you. RANDAL: It's true. You'll sit there and blame life for dealing a cruddy hand, never once accepting the responsibility for the way your situation is. DANTE: What responsibility? RANDAL: All right, if you hate this job and the people, and the fact that you have to come in on your day off, then quit. DANTE: As if it's that easy. RANDAL: It is. You just up and quit. There are other jobs, and they pay better money. You're bound to be qualified for at least one of them. So what's stopping you? DANTE: Leave me alone. RANDAL: You're comfortable. This is a life of convenience for you, and any attempt to change it would shatter the pathetic microcosm you've fashioned for yourself. DANTE: Oh, like your life's any better? RANDAL: I'm satisfied with my situation for now. You don't hear me bitching. You, on the other hand, have been bitching all day. …DANTE: ...If I wasn't such a fucking coward. (chuckles) It must be so great to be able to simplify everything the way you do. RANDAL: Am I right or what? DANTE: You're wrong. Things happened today, okay? Things that probably ruined my chances with Caitlin. RANDAL: What? The dead guy? She'll get over fucking the dead guy. Shit, my mom's been fucking a dead guy for thirty years; I call him Dad. DANTE: Caitlin and I can't be together. It's impossible. RANDAL: Melodrama coming from you seems about as natural as an oral bowel movement. DANTE: What do you want me to say? Yes, I suppose some of the things you're saying may be true. But that's the way things are; it's not going to change. RANDAL: Make them change. DANTE: I can't, all right! Jesus, would you leave me alone? I can't make changes like that in my life. If I could, I would-but I don't have the ability to risk comfortable situations on the big money and the fabulous prizes. RANDAL: Who're you kidding? You can so. DANTE: Jesus H. Christ, I can't! RANDAL: So you'll continue being miserable all the time, just because you don't have the guts to face change? DANTE: (sadly) My mother told me once that when I as three, my potty lid was closed, and instead of lifting it, I chose to shit my pants. RANDAL: Lovely story. DANTE: Point is-I'm not the kind of person that disrupts things in order to shit comfortably.太经典了
  • 来自网友【黄小丫】的评论Cult电影指拍摄手法独特、题材诡异、剑走偏锋、风格异常、带有强烈的个人观点、富有争议性的电影,这类影片通常是低成本制作,不以市场为主导,并在某种小圈子内被支持者喜爱及推崇。简言之,就是非主流领域却能在特定的族群中大受欢迎的电影作品。《疯狂店员》就是一部低成本,风格强烈的cult电影。导演和编剧皆是凯文·史密斯。电影的全部投资不超过27000美元。2700美元!这是什么概念?在这个随便拍个电影就要几千万的年代,怎能想象不到3万美金的成本能拍出什么玩意儿。《小时代》1+2投资金额为4700万,电影《阿凡达》制作加宣传达到5亿刀!1994年《肖申克的救赎》的投资也要在2500万左右,成百上千万的电影投资在我们眼里才是常规的。导演凯文·史密斯上了4个月的电影学院后退学,花了一个月时间写出《疯狂店员》的剧本,拍摄地是凯文工作的便利店,拍摄周期不过区区20天。和影片的名字一样,整个影片的诞生就是一个疯狂的过程。影片讲述了淡定(但丁)在便利店当收银员遇到的奇葩的人和奇怪的事。无处不在的录影带出租店快嘴损友,随时拿着坏肺模型的反吸烟狂魔,“保守”女友的惊天告白,借厕所要挑纸看情色杂志的奇葩男,一场噩梦就这么莫名其妙的开始了......全片充斥着粗俗的笑话和另类的搞笑情节。略青涩的表演、大量的固定镜头和超快速的借了嘴着急还似的台词。这种表达对大部分人来说没有什么教育意义,最有意义的点应该是这部电影本身。导演用东拼西凑的2万多美金和写了一个月的剧本拍摄了20天的电影最终拿到了3000多万美金的票房,并获得了1994年圣丹斯电影节的“电影人奖”和戛纳影展的青年大奖。电影世界就是有为了梦想不惜付出一切的人,他们勇往直前,义无反顾。1994年独树一帜的《疯狂店员》用它所达到的高度鼓励了我们小老百姓,拍电影不需要多高的门槛,疯狂可以很伟大。