电视剧《我们这一天 第六季 This Is Us Season 6》全集免费在线观看

我们这一天 第六季 This Is Us Season 69.6

导演:胡尔特拉斯 / 奥林 / 文堤米利亚 / 虞琳敏 / 耶贡 / 卡伊 / 米洛

演员:贾斯汀 / 蔡勒 / 苏珊 / 梅斯 / 沃马克 / 米洛 / 费滋 / 文堤米利亚 / 贝茨 / 汤普森 / 赫尔曼 / 奈尔斯 / 麦肯齐 / 罗斯 / 贝克





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  • 来自网友【c】的评论What a thing being a child. What a thing being a family. What a thing being us.和Pearsons度过了六个感恩节,这部剧的神奇之处就在于你可以看到所有人的过去和现在,看现在的他们是如何被过去塑造的,又是如何不断突破界限成为新的自己。第六季的节奏一下子变得好快,几集之间old life,new life,好像呼应了Randall的toast. 每个人似乎都找到了自己的位置,但是时间却走的飞快,但是还好这艘贼船上总有人陪伴。BIG THREE 的故事不算完,看TIU的日子想起来就很美好。它告诉你柠檬理论,告诉你人生是不断找到自己的碎片拼成拼图,告诉你爱,告诉你家庭,告诉你take the big swingsthe train is moving fast 还好我们都在
  • 来自网友【水正蓝】的评论最终季是最棒的,很多被触动的点。E04 Don‘t let me keep you的Jack’s mom,never make it to bring big three go to visit and skate on the pool until his mom’s death. Jack和他妈妈努力逃离酗酒爸爸有关的一切噩梦,to build a new home and live a new life,但却没有余力再参与彼此的新生活。世间的人们呐,They just do their best.E05 Kate因为自己的体重和音乐,the relationship with Rebecca is always complicated. 直到Jack去世,Kate很多时候更是将自己所有的grief和angry都发泄在了Rebecca身上,直到Kate年近四十终于和解,可以像best friend一样和妈妈相处,阿尔兹海默症又来了,30年本应好好相处的时光都已逝去。人呐,为什么总有这么多愚蠢的情绪无法和解,去浪费你原以为是endless but really limited days?E06 Beth is an incredible person. 人生路上,我们每个人都必须牢记我们不是为了害怕let sb down or disappoint sb,we should just believe in ourselves “I can and I will”. 当你身边的人frustrated,don’t disappoint,never go away,just be kind to be there, not to make them alone to feel themselves be a failure.E10 Randall买给Rebecca的笑脸饼干,Randall给Rebecca的签名“To: my biggest fan. From: hers.”E11&12 Baby Jack让人心疼,为了让爸妈stop yelling,把玩具扔进马桶喊爸妈来捞;在家里totally mess的时候,一个人穿着雨靴,唱着妈妈编的儿歌,跑到公园,只因为这里是爸妈都很开心的地方;摔破额头缝针之后见到Katoby,大大地微笑着说,”You’re both here.” Katoby‘s marriage is over. Sadly told, marriage isn’t gonna work only have love. But fortunately,their story isn’t over. They both refound “the person”, and for Jack, still they’re both here.E14 Kophie could finally be in the right place at the right time. 20 years later, so happy about they waited for this day that the love story finally has a HE with the best version of them.E15 一个波多黎各人do his best to fit in America, 却因此疏远了自己的父母和儿女。Because of the Big three,他和Rebecca晚了十年才能最终走在一起,but he honored his vow to Rebecca,always be there as the sweetest Miguel.一直活在记忆中的perfect Dad Jack,strong , tough and magic , always knew exactly what every one needed mom Rebecca, did so good, so the big three finally all found their way and be fearless making big moves. Pearson‘s story拉下帷幕,相信我们还会时常想起“lovely people,cried a lot,dramatic as hell Thanksgivings.”