来自网友【RipVanWinkle】的评论希望我们这一代和往后的年轻人都能像结尾所说的,“actually believe that human beings has no right to destroy and spoil the nature. ”从意识开始改变吧,行为会跟上的。Actually I’ve known that animals, not only marine species, suffering from plastic products, but this documentary really shocked me. Nobody can be indifferent when watching the scenes of animals struggling. I feel really bad and wanna do something … but I can’t even think of anything big I can do, at least here. But maybe just something little can make a difference? Like using plastic bags twice, picking food without plastic package, and shopping with a clothing bag, asking for plasctic-free packaging and so on. I know it’s idealistic and arrogant. But We’re the one living here…do something to help our planet. Not just us, i wish our country can make something to stop or even reduce the use of plastic products.