
生活大爆炸 第十二季 The Big Bang Theory Season 12-第10集


类型:喜剧 / 爱情地区:美国年份:2018

导演:马克 / 森卓斯基

演员:乔万尼贝加拉诺 / 赫尔伯格 / 帕森斯 / 波塞恩 / 罗斯 / 吉姆 / 尼尔 / 阿德龙 / 托德 / 金伯莉 / 米歇尔 / 马伊姆 / 帕梅拉 / 库柯 / 吉贝哈恩






  • 来自网友【Lok】的评论Finally, since unemployment from September of this year, I have watched all the 12 seasons today. The three months isn't easy for me, and thanks for the accompanying of the series.I am so jealous about Sheldon, who is selfish but loved by so many people. Successful career, wonderful marriage, fascinating friendships. But maybe that is what a drama is, everyone has a great ending, and that is also why we love watching it, since it is hard to get so much at the same time in real life.Every character is great, not a perfect one, but a more real one. Leonard has good job (in my own view, not Sheldon's), but couldn't get what others think is granted from his mom, and what's worse, he utimately find his mother raises he as an experiment. Thankfully, he forgives her as he is ok with the relationship between them. He is not tall, not handsome, however, he is brave enough to go for Penny, as Amy said, he "didn't care what anybody else thought or wanted, including Penny". He has my respect. In reality I am just like him, short, normal, and the difference is that I have no courage to get what I want.
  • 来自网友【Laiki】的评论质子教授去世了、莱纳德和佩妮订婚,提出让谢耳朵搬出去、漫画店遭遇了火灾,总之,这几集让人很难过。他们都是很可爱的人,不应该承受这些事。我太喜欢谢耳朵了,我见不得佩妮欺负他,我更见不得他孤单难过。质子教授去世谢耳朵没有去参加丧礼,他只是在梦中跟质子教授说:It's like all the men l've looked up to have goneaway.(感觉所有我崇拜的男性都去世了)这让我想起《宋家王朝》里的:忽然之间,我失去了我生命中所有的男人。还有《澳野巫踪》里的:我所爱的一切都失去了。(那一刻,他们拥有同样的伤心和难过。)但同时我又觉得,还好谢耳朵有艾米。以前我不明白,为什么编剧要让谢耳朵的伴侣是艾米。因为艾米又胖又不好看,还很werid。但一季季看下来,感觉谢耳朵爱上艾米简直是命中注定,看久了艾米也变成了十分可爱的人,早已没了初见的不适应感。莱纳德和佩妮走了这么多季,终于订婚了!真为他们高兴。他们真是非常般配,经常觉得谢耳朵就是他们的孩子。希望接下来所有人都能继续照顾着谢耳朵,给他买好吃的,带他去漫画店,包容他的怪癖,不要欺负他让他受委屈(只能被他欺负)。虽然剧中每个人都很可爱,但谢耳朵是最可爱的,我就是对他这么偏心!你那么可爱应该遇到另一个可爱的人真希望我就是好吧艾米已经是了