
冰海战记 ヴィンランド・サガ-第24集


类型:动画 / 动作 / 战争地区:日本年份:2019

导演:松林唯人 / 小林敦 / 江岛泰男 / 须之内佑典 / 吉川志我津 / 内田信吾 / 平向智子 / 薮田修平 / 黑濑大辅 / 左藤洋二

演员:日野聪 / 河濑茉希 / 石上静香 / 上村祐翔 / 安元洋贵 / 戴利 / 斧笃 / 高桥伸也 / 高桥良辅 / 浦山迅 / 绵贯龙之介 / 希克曼 / 菲利克斯 / 科特 / 帕特丽夏







  • 来自网友【二叠纪】的评论 光速看完了《冰海战记》第一季,反战题材,第一集开大,后续也很不错。相较同题材的巨人,我觉得巨人的立意是随着艾伦的成长而不断加深的,是时间纬度上纵向的,从为了“自由”而战到后来对战争的迷茫,存在着反差,而冰海战记则非也,他是通过塑造不同角色对战争的看法,在横向上体现深浅不一的立意,换而言之,它更群像一点。 针对角色塑造,我觉得第一季最出色的还是阿谢拉德,非常立体全面,确实反衬得其他角色黯然失色,正如豆瓣热评所言:他自己就是一个世界。我觉得他与曹操十分相似,可谓枭雄。 针对宗教、和平与平等的探讨,它的探索也达到了比较深的层面,尤其是对于“爱”的解读,何为“爱”,敞开胸怀而从不索取,死亡即爱,雪及爱,正如《赤壁赋》所言:“惟江上之清风,与山间之明月,耳得之而为声,目遇之而成色,取之无禁,用之不竭。造物之无尽藏也”,父母对子女的“爱”,情侣之间的“爱”,朋友之间的“爱”,诸如此类,这不叫爱,而是歧视。造物主将爱赐予人间,但人类的爱被埋藏了,只剩下歧视或恨。 剩下的一些想法,比如我最开始还挺喜欢男主的姐姐,希望这个故事通过双线展开,围绕着兄妹俩,不仅是弟弟为父报仇的一条线,而且姐姐也在母亲离世后离开故乡,在世间寻找为人的根本,可惜作品里的女角色被边缘化,可谓是男性的史诗。
  • 来自网友【MelodyTeng】的评论Background History of the Viking AgeThe Viking Expansion (8th–11th Century)The Viking Age (c. 793–1066 CE) was marked by Norse exploration, conquest, and settlement across Europe, particularly in England, Ireland, France, and parts of Eastern Europe. It began with the infamous raid on Lindisfarne in 793 CE, marking the start of an era where Viking warriors plundered and colonized many parts of Europe. Viking influence was particularly strong in England, where Norsemen established control over large areas, including the Danelaw in eastern England, a region governed by Danish law.By the early 11th century, the Viking invasions had transformed from seasonal raids to full-scale colonization. This culminated in the rise of the North Sea Empire, ruled by King Cnut the Great, who united Denmark, England, and Norway under his rule.The JomsvikingsA key mythological and historical reference in Vinland Saga is the Jomsvikings, a legendary band of elite Viking warriors. In the series, Thorfinn's father, Thors, is a former Jomsviking warrior. The Jomsvikings were said to live by a strict code of honor, emphasizing strength in battle and loyalty to their comrades. Though their existence is debated, they play an important role in both Norse mythology and the historical backdrop of the series.Religious and Mythological ReferencesNorse MythologyThe series incorporates numerous elements from Norse mythology, which was central to Viking belief systems before the Christianization of Scandinavia. Norse mythology is polytheistic, with gods such as Odin, Thor, and Loki being key figures. These gods represent various aspects of life, such as war, wisdom, and mischief, and are tied to the concept of Ragnarök, the apocalyptic end of the world.The idea of Valhalla, where warriors slain in battle go to feast and fight for eternity, is prominent in the Viking warrior culture. This belief in an honorable death contrasts with Thorfinn’s eventual disillusionment with violence.Christian InfluenceThe spread of Christianity into Scandinavia during the Viking Age plays a crucial role in Vinland Saga, especially through the character of Prince Canute. Canute is portrayed as a devout Christian, and his faith significantly influences his development from a timid prince to a strong, resolute ruler. The tension between Norse paganism and Christianity is central to the narrative, reflecting the historical reality of the Viking Age when many Scandinavian rulers converted to Christianity, both for personal faith and political gain.British/Welsh MythologyOne of the most complex characters in the series, Askeladd, has a dual heritage—his father was a Danish Viking, while his mother was a Welsh noblewoman. His mother told him stories of King Arthur and Avalon, the mystical resting place of Arthur. These tales influenced Askeladd’s hatred for the Danes and his deep love for Wales, which he sees as a land worth protecting from the Viking invaders.Avalon represents an idealized, utopian realm in British mythology, akin to the Norse idea of Asgard. In Askeladd’s worldview, Avalon symbolizes peace and justice, driving him to act as a protector of Wales, even if it means betraying his Viking comrades. His belief in these stories, and his self-identification as Lucius Artorius Castus, connects him to the legend of King Arthur, further deepening his character.King Cnut the GreatThe anime’s portrayal of Prince Canute is based on the real-life historical figure King Cnut the Great (also known as Canute), one of the most prominent rulers in Viking history. Historically, Cnut rose to power after his father, Svein Forkbeard, conquered England, but his reign was short-lived. Upon Svein's death, Cnut returned to reclaim England, defeating his rivals and eventually uniting England, Denmark, and Norway into what became known as the North Sea Empire.Cnut's reign was marked by a fusion of Christian and Vikin* traditions. While he was a devout Christian, he also upheld Viking values, using a combination of force and diplomacy to maintain control over his vast empire. His Christian faith played a central role in his rule, helping to legitimize his authority among the Christian populace of England, while his Viking heritage ensured loyalty from his Scandinavian subjects.Canute’s journey from a weak, indecisive prince to a determined ruler mirrors the historical Cnut's rise to power. The anime delves into his religious beliefs and his vision of creating a peaceful kingdom, reflecting the real Cnut’s efforts to balance his Viking heritage with Christian governance.