
教宗的承继 The Two Popes-HD


类型:剧情 / 传记地区:英国,意大利年份:2019

导演:费尔南多 / 梅里尔斯

演员:利贝罗 / 里奥特 / 阿基里 / 安东尼 / 尼古拉 / 霍普金斯 / 巴尼加斯 / 皮亚瓦尼 / 尼科 / 费德里科 / 塞萨克 / 威利 / 席尔瓦 / 维格万诺 / 胡安




这是一个真实的故事,讲述了近 2000 年来最戏剧性的权力交接事件之一。主教贝尔格利奥(乔纳森·普雷斯饰演)对教会的发展方向感到十分失望,因此向教皇本笃(安东尼·霍普金斯饰演)申请在 2012 年退休。然而,面对丑闻和自我怀疑,善于内省的教皇本笃召见对他最严厉的批判者和未来的继任者来到罗马,在梵蒂冈的围墙之内,展开了一场传统与进步、罪恶与宽恕之间的斗争,这两位截然不同的人直面各自的过去,以图寻找共同点,以及为全世界十亿信徒开创未来。


  • 来自网友【seamouse】的评论熟悉的科尔多瓦、布宜诺斯、罗马、军政独裁史、世界杯,以及刚去过的夏宫,以及通过兰尼、索伦蒂诺等人演绎一知半解的梵蒂冈,也就被这部新片打动到。立马出门,上车,去圣彼得广场。2016年4月,在哥伦比亚麦德林,爱彼迎房主让我和关瑶猜名人小时候照片,手机里放出一张提示说,“这是最有名的阿根廷人”。 “梅西,马拉多纳,格瓦拉?” “啊!你们不知道啊。这是教宗方济各啊!” “教宗是阿根廷人?”我俩完全不知道拉美的大人物。而那个世界的常识永远不可能是我们的常识。 You were only waiting for this moment to arise
  • 来自网友【另一個我】的评论“The most important qualification for any leader is not wanting to be leader. Plato.”“It's not easy to entrust oneself to God's mercy. I know He has a very special capacity for forgetting our mistakes. God forgets, but I don't.”“We all suffer from spiritual pride. We all do. You must remember that, you are not God. In God we move, live, and have our being. We live in God, but we are not of it. You're only human. Like Him (zoom in drawing of Christ’s punctured palm). You must believe in the mercy you preach.”“All dictatorships take away our freedom to choose. We both know that.” “Or reveal our own weaknesses.”“When no one is to blame, everyone is to blame.”Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio: You know the story, the... the two seminarians who... who liked to smoke?/ Pope Benedict: No. They should resist the temp.../ Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio: Well, yeah, yeah. So, the first one, he goes to his spiritual director, and he says, "Father, is it permitted to smoke while praying?" And the director says, "No. No, of course not."/ Pope Benedict: Of course not. No, it's...: Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio: No, no. So... So, the second one, he was a Jesuit. He says to his friend, "Brother, you're just asking the wrong question."/ Pope Benedict: Ah/ Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio: So he goes to the director, then he says, "Father, is it permitted to pray while smoking?"/ Pope Benedict: Yeah. Pray and smoke at the same ti... Ah? It's a joke. It's a silly joke. Pray and smoke at the same time. It's impossible. I can never remember jokes./ Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio: Remembering jokes is an essential part of Jesuit training.