来自网友【Yuyu_悦媛】的评论被影片中的每一段感情深深打动,爱情,父母儿女之间,继母继女之间,姐妹之间,养父母与养女之间,婆媳之间的感情…… 每一段感情都有自己的挑战。但是因为爱,所以我们从来不放弃,可以放下自己的背景,文化,性格,固执,梦想...... 一起克服遇到的所有困难。爱可以延续,爱永不止息。 "In a city where there is no center, I'm your center.""Marriage is like a shoe. Well, like a journey in a shoe. At some point in life, no matter what you do, how tight you tie them, you're gonna get a pebble in your shoe...... A good marriage gives you permission to face that pebble before it becomes a boulder because limping ain't living...... You gotta face that pebble, whatever it is. Don't let it fester, tearing up your foot.""When I looked into her eyes, I knew I wanted her to have the kind of love that got you two through some of the biggest challenges in life. I want her to have a big life, and love to hold her up when things get hard. And I want a village to raise her.""Family is who you choose to love."