
609房间的睡前故事 609 Bedtime Story-第11集


类型:奇幻 / 剧情 / 同性地区:泰国年份:2022

导演:坦瓦林 / 苏卡皮西特

演员:立帕拉赛 / 塔诵 / 帕塔纳汕他侬 / 瓦辛 / 柴查万索布特 / 帕努纳彭 / 瓦缇查拉禹 / 司隶朋通 / 皮查尤特 / 陂诺皮帕 / 索拉吾 / 贝克 / 苏拉德特 / 格琳纽慕 / 提迪瓦


线路1 线路2


One day, a strange man is sleeping on Mum's bed, a playboy and the owner of room 609. They both have passionate sex the first time they meet and after that, mysterious things keep happing. Mum always dreams of a mysterious event and wake up frightened in the middle of the night.
Mum tries to forget the "feeling" with the young man by having sex with women. However, it even makes him think of the man of his dream more. Then, he connects the dots of the events and comes up with the theory of reverse parallel universe.
Finally, he meets Dew in real life. Though their first meeting is Dew's last day, but also the beginning that both of them will help each other to change the future!


  • 来自网友【公子涛】的评论(逆穿越时空) [初见] [即诀别] (“若天意难违,在你最爱我的时候,请原谅我陌生的眼光。”) 🌸2dew:“他从来都知道真相,只因为是你,他甘之如饴。” 1mum:“有着你的回忆度过余生”🌸 (现在一共有三个mum,两个dew,1mum喜欢2dew,2mum杀了2dew,3mum喜欢1dew。) 609再怎么看都是609,结局早已注定。 (我站在故事结局,你才与我初见。)
  • 来自网友【黎夕旧梦】的评论这部剧的片头我好喜欢,嘿嘿。一开始看的时候没有懂诶,看到中期,大概就理解了,不过开始想的就是他们在一个时空里,结果来了个平行世界。那那个时空的Dew也太惨了,枪击或者出车祸,好像逃离不掉,而且被杀那里他都知道对方是谁了,自己时空的Mum,甘愿赴死,哇,后劲真的足。不知道我理解的对不对,是HE,但只是这个世界HE了啊!对了,我喜欢倒数五秒那个吻,好甜呀~