
音乐大师 Maestro-HD


类型:音乐 / 爱情 / 历史地区:美国年份:2023

导演:布莱德利 / 库珀

演员:扎克瑞 / 亚森 / 马特 / 法齐奥 / 佩扬科夫 / 凯特 / 西尔弗曼 / 波莫 / 汉密尔顿 / 凯瑞 / 埃里克 / 布赖恩 / 布斯 / 阿马托 / 穆里根




这部无畏的爱情故事记述了音乐传奇人物伦纳德·伯恩斯坦(布莱德利·库珀 Bradley Cooper 饰)和费利西亚·蒙泰莱格雷·科恩·伯恩斯坦(凯瑞·穆里根 Carey Mulligan 饰)持续一生的复杂感情。



  • 来自网友【N..】的评论Leonard Berstein 传记片。我们就像上了发条的一对,尽情地在时间的田野旋转,等待着结束。画幅与色彩随着时间推移而变化(exactly overused in films these years)Black and white, symphonic and fixed camera close-ups reminds me of Fellini, while amounts of landscape and ethic narratives of ethics reminds of Rohmer.一度认为是歌舞版千年女优,由于莫名其妙的舞蹈与刻意老套的切镜。同性亲密行为、恋父、同性恋异性恋持有的赤裸男权。(i do into the scene two man touching foot and smoking)美国二代俄国移民关于名字的困境,但单薄。 “i have sleep with both your parents...” “lonely old queen...”could you guys stop arguing dramatically like this?It's not wrong to be unwilling to face up to your sexuality and selfidentity, but it's very selfish to deliberately reveal and dwell on it in front of your family over and over again. actually this film even kind of stigmatises bisexuality in a way that I can't stand...but, it's obviously the woman is also have a weird mental world who tried to enticing a gay at the first time they met and supposed to a slave of his husband the whole life.honestly, the romantic episode is really gross... i see a selfish and insensitive man with his cancer wife. the way you guys spit and cry is too meticulous to admire your acts. btw i really love your house and scenery outside the window, the forest i wanna live in the rest of my life.如果要讲个人成就,请give audiences more details about it;如果要讲私人生活,也请不要把情节堆砌的cliche看做是一个成熟的叙事结构。事实证明,两者完成度都很差。可惜,浪费镜头。
  • 来自网友【金豌豆】的评论极有天赋。几乎没有呈现他有什么努力。生活的日常也很接近大家的邻里。可能对交响乐指挥家这一行太过陌生,所以在他教徒弟这一段落,调整了徒弟的一些细节,让徒弟指挥了几遍,然后自己又指挥了一遍。似乎都有细微的差别,可这些差别能造成什么结果的不同呢?搞不懂。或许这就是所谓的隔行如隔山。主演们的呈现挺好的。总觉得编剧把故事相对编得平淡了。说不上来那种感觉,就是缺少一些闪亮。