
爱的甘露 Desert Hearts-HD


类型:同性 / 剧情 / 爱情地区:美国年份:1985

导演:唐娜 / 戴奇

演员:Tyler Tyhurst / 戴奇 / 克罗斯比 / 海伦 / Brenda Beck / 唐娜 / 帕特丽夏 / Dave Roberts / 格温 / 林德利 / 斯特利 / 亚历克斯 / 杰弗里 / Patricia Frazier / 夏博诺




影片根据加拿大作家Jane Rule创作的小说“Desert of the Heart”改编而成,背景设置于美国许多地方不允许离婚的1950年代。主人公之一是35岁的英文教授薇薇安,她为了离婚来到法律相对宽容的内华达州雷诺市,暂住在一间农场为离婚官司和流程做准备。严肃的薇薇安因此结识了农场主弗兰西丝的继女凯伊,凯伊比她年轻10岁,平时在赌场打工,是一个对取向不做掩饰的活泼女性。尽管薇薇安意识到自己被凯伊所吸引,她还是对开始这段关系有所顾虑,不确定自己是否做好了和同性在一起的准备。与此同时,被继母弗兰西丝依赖着的凯伊则意识到:薇薇安就是她等待已久的命中注定之人。1985年,成本仅35万美元的《爱的甘露》正式公映,成为了第一部大规模公映的女同爱情长片,它的美好、幽默和对女性情欲的坦荡表达不仅征服了无数观众的心,也让很多人意识到两个女性的爱是可能的,而且并不总以悲剧结尾。这部叫好又叫座的先锋作为日后涌现的更多女同作品铺平了道路。


  • 来自网友【不在】的评论I was just back from this gay-themed movie. Surround by les couples(I mistook some of them for "man"& women) with flashes of seductive scenes, I was caught by a feeling which "took the form of hilarity charmed into stillness"(quote from The Bostonians, 中文大意是死憋住不敢笑出声,僵在那里), losing sense of reality. After the shooting, one women told her friends she thought every one coming for this movie is lesbian, which made me sort of embarrassing. However,honestly, it's less embarrassing to be les than to be alone when it suddenly come over me that today is bloody valentine. Note that this book/movie has been set in a particular milieu(1959) of America when the social conformities and laws made it uncomfortable for a woman to get a divorce(let alone seduced by another woman). In fact, the ranch in Reno where Vivian, an English literature prof, stayed during 6-week residency for divorce procedure is hosted by women caught in the same fate. This is exactly a desert of broken hearts, hardened by numbing pain yet more venerable to kindly attention("you make me cry""no, I wanna make you a cup of tea"), in this sense they're craving for rain drops(中文名“爱的甘露”). Some conversation between these women and rough sketchy of them are quite provoking. One morning light-brained women sit around the sun-shine porch and gossip: "What you(Vivian just step down)'ve been doing in that room for last five days?" Frances: “whatever is it must be too deep for us to understand”. Despite poor skilled shots-yet some are utterly afresh and impressive, the country songs always creep in on time as you could expect for this kind of movie. Besides, characters' performance do catch up an atmosphere of sincerity. The title of the original book is "Desert of the heart" which taken from a poem by W.H. Auden, his elegy for Yeats. "In the desert of the heart, Let the healing fountain start."My appreciation of this movie has been deafened by the actor's strong southern accent and therefore fail to wake up full empathy. But I make up by digging it out of Tudou in which I marinated myself not just for a moment.
  • 来自网友【🌈竹梅】的评论看完之后,感触良多,我越发觉得和咱们比起来,和可是1985年的电影,就算是现在能超过这部电影的寥寥无几。不能不是说咱们的电影没落了,是根本没站起来过,以前不好看,现在更不好看。从感情上来说,Vivian是三十五岁,Cay是二十五岁,Vivian感情保守,做事规规矩矩,不能越距,Cay感情奔放,对自己性取向毫不隐瞒,Vivian是一个受人尊敬的学者,一个英语学教授,出入上流社会,Cay是一个服务员,一个赌场的发牌人,Vivian做事情方方面面,考虑前后因果,衡量过后,才会做决定,Cay做事情不会考虑前因后果,一个热火的少女。两人看上去就是一个世界,两个维度的人,要不是Vivian来这边冷静,Cay根本不可能遇见Vivian,世界冥冥因果,丝丝红线,命运的指引,未来的展望,两人就算交流起来都费劲。看得出最开始是Cay对Vivian动了心,但是看剧中,也好像是Vivian先对Cay动心,就像是两人初次见面是Cay的狂野和疯狂,使受高等教育的Vivian受到很大的打击,想不到有人竟然会这样开车,然后和自己交流。为什么会这样进行,我经常会说中国的电影只会考虑到主观的臆想,不会考虑到客观的条件。而这部电影的感情基调是完全已经定下来了,就是开始的时候,是Vivian讨厌过这样的生活,就算是和丈夫过着相敬如宾的日子,十年如一日的日子使Vivian已经烦恼了,想要尽力摆脱这个日子,选择净身出户也在所不惜。而Cay呢,有一个烦人的追求者,自己的好像也是有很多女朋友(虽然没有细说,但是Vivian进入Cay的屋子的时候,看见了Cay的床上有一个女人。)雨中爱情,这是剧中非常浪漫的一部分,也是Vivian接收Cay的开始,要是从两人的吻开始,Cay先吻了Vivian,再来第二吻,第三吻是Vivian主动吻了Cay,明明还可以进行到下一步,可是Vivian主动打断了Cay的索要,世俗的理智,社会的常规和Vivian一直以来所坚守的信念,根本不允许Vivian做出这样的动作,随后看样子两人的关系可是一日千里。感情的描写非常细腻,拍摄这部电影的是一个女导演,可想而知,要在1985年拍这样的电影,那是要有多大的勇气,女人才可以抓住女人的细腻。想想咱们到了2022年,还在原地踏步,别说电影,就算是电视剧,在2009达到高峰之后,一路下坡路到现在没有几部能看的啦。我很喜欢这部电影在我心里,可以排进前十了。