
坏姐妹 第一季 Bad Sisters Season 1-第07集


类型:惊悚 / 剧情 / 喜剧地区:美国,比利时,英国,爱尔兰年份:2022

导演:加特沃德 / 丽贝卡 / 约瑟芬 / 沃尔什 / 迪尔巴拉 / 伯恩布什

演员:巴里 / 库南 / 伊娃 / 塞斯 / 彼得 / 豪根 / 安-玛莉 / 沃德 / 莎朗 / 杜芙 / 奥雷尔 / 格林 / 诺伦 / 奥尼尔 / 阿萨德


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  • 来自网友【Elizabeth_kate】的评论so so so funny literally funny hilarious comedy of a murder Sharon absolutely brilliant actress and writer those witty lines and their lovely sweet sometimes quarrels sisterhoods in Ep6 rhe four sister Eva Ursula Bibi Becka act together so entertaining how could not be killed now the fourth times run away again again and again be killed again once again and again. only the one suffering did it herself can truely be free E08 E09 And their outfit so casual but also fasionable really fit in their body figure and the character the more they got involved the worse consequences came around the guiltier they felt about people they've hurt. first photos then dog and someone's eye even someone's live they cared about (Eva do indulges Becka worries about her more the other two)E10 free jump free free air after this really wanna have my own sisters
  • 来自网友【年糕糕】的评论不好看 太憋屈了 就这么任由那男的无耻作恶 毫无反击 看到他犯贱过程的观众很憋屈啊!! 把羞辱你整个家族的话天天挂嘴边 也能忍?? 把你姐妹一只眼搞瞎 还说跟他无关 不负任何责任 也能忍?有病啊 五姐妹 一个傻B 四个蠢货 作案计划=无 一点脑子都不动 真给你sha成功了jc第一个找上来 编剧有限的大脑全用在那男的jian嘴上了