
诊疗中 第一季 Shrinking Season 1-第01集


类型:剧情 / 喜剧地区:美国年份:2023

导演:温斯顿 / 基南 / 拉索-扬 / 庞索特 / 詹姆斯 / 兰道尔

演员:威廉姆斯 / 杰森 / 麦克斯韦尔 / 琼斯 / Kimberly Condict / 沙夫兰 / 卢克 / 麦金利 / 索耶 / Adam Foster Ballard / 福特 / 尼尔森 / 琼斯 / 温蒂 / 马力克


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A new 10-episode comedy starring Jason Segel, and written by Emmy Award winning “Ted Lasso” co-creator Bill Lawrence, Emmy Award-winning “Ted Lasso” star, writer and co-executive producer Brett Goldstein and Segel. Also starring Harrison Ford in one of his first major television roles, “Shrinking” will premiere globally with the first two episodes on Friday, January 27, on Apple TV+, followed by one new episode weekly, every Friday.
Shrinking follows a grieving therapist (played by Segel) who starts to break the rules and tell his clients exactly what he thinks. Ignoring his training and ethics, he finds himself making huge, tumultuous changes to people’s lives … including his own.
In addition to Segel and Ford, Shrinking stars Christa Miller, Jessica Williams, Michael Urie, Luke Tennie, and Lukita Maxwell.
The new series is produced by Warner Bros. Television, where Lawrence is under an overall deal, and Lawrence’s Doozer Productions. Lawrence, Segel, Goldstein, Neil Goldman, James Ponsoldt, Randall Winston, Jeff Ingold, and Liza Katzer serve as executive producers. Lawrence, Segel, and Goldstein created the series and wrote the first episode, which was directed by Ponsoldt.



  • 来自网友【85】的评论当对病人感到生气,认为明明他们能够改变,但就是不做,想要摇晃他们想要唤醒他们时。保罗说这是同情疲劳,是每一个咨询师都会遇到的瓶颈,但我们只能提问,然后倾听,并且保持不批判的态度。如果逼迫患者去做,那就是剥夺了患者的自主权,让他们没有自救的机会,同时我们就成了心理义务警员。 肖恩之所以经常暴力打人,是因为在国外的日子充满了暴力与创伤,那些暴力还存留在心中,并且一直寻求途径爆发出来,越去抵制它,越挥之不去。 加比不想听八卦,说别人的事太不道德了,让我光是觉得听你说,我都像是个帮凶,所以我要专注自己的事,而不是别的事。 想要帮助别人就得全情投入。 没有人能毫发无损地度过一生,但你有选择的余地,你是要让悲伤淹没你,还是要面对它然后痊愈。 你没权命令他人该如何面对伤痛,加比强颜欢笑,谁在乎啊? 为什么恋爱不吵架 反而结婚后一直吵架 “当你们一起生活时 我觉得你们潜意识里知道自己可以随时离开彼此 但现在你们结婚了 所以你们之间所有的问题都被放大了 我认为最好的办法 就是你们两互相分享彼此的不安全感 并一起处理这些情绪” 没有后果的话 没有人能改掉坏行为。 犯错误并不代表你差劲。 格蕾丝说“我知道自己不擅长理解情绪 但我喜欢自己渐渐成为的那个人 我想为此对你说声谢谢”