
我们这一天 第六季 This Is Us Season 6-第17集


类型:爱情 / 剧情 / 喜剧地区:美国年份:2022

导演:胡尔特拉斯 / 奥林 / 文堤米利亚 / 虞琳敏 / 耶贡 / 卡伊 / 米洛

演员:贾斯汀 / 蔡勒 / 苏珊 / 梅斯 / 沃马克 / 米洛 / 费滋 / 文堤米利亚 / 贝茨 / 汤普森 / 赫尔曼 / 奈尔斯 / 麦肯齐 / 罗斯 / 贝克


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  • 来自网友【beryl】的评论01 always feel sad when I watch this 04 all those memories and regrets jack has with her mom, are very very touching 05 how can it be so GREAT? 我太佩服编剧和导演了,把不同时间线相同主题地事件能够这么完美地一起讲述和呈现 比如kate和Rebecca一起弹琴 god knows how many times I cried just in this one episode 06 I can and I will. Don’t forget how special you are. Thanks for the pep talk. 07 Be fearless 11 it's super amazing that the big three are look out for one another. Btw can kev settle down with his Mrs right?🥹🥹🥹13 FOREVER NOW. very very touching at Kate's wedding with Philip. 14 啊啊啊啊啊啊啊team Sophie!在对的时间重逢 15 没想到编剧会这样处理miguel的故事 you are a good guy for Rebecca, just didn't expect that you would go before. people come and go, and the big three will always be there for their mom. 16 Rebecca is truly an amazing mom 能看到兄妹们能够齐心赡养阿尔兹海默症的妈妈让我很欣慰 17 it finally came to the... death18 THE END OF THE PEARSONS STORIES. It means i love you.六季,陪我走过学生时代。每一季都会哭成泪人。我心中的最触动人心的美剧,我的top1。