来自网友【Xc】的评论标题暂时定为“看剧笔记”,每看一集随时分享一些想说的内容。S04E08Klaus的表情流露当Klaus再次听到Caroline这个名字,同时历史叔告诉他Hope终究是要走出这个家门的。你看Klaus之后流露出的那个表情,有不屑,有无奈,有思念,可事实上,他似乎也认可了历史叔的说法,但想到Hope终究要挣脱自己的保护,内心却掀起万般的不舍。S04E09走向墓地的路上,原本Klaus以为Vincent还想数落自己一番。可Vincent却和他留下这么一段对白:V: The truth is, Klaus, i never thought i'd live to see this day. See, growing up in New Orleans as kids,we-we hear stories about the evil Klaus Mikaelson.K: Yes, yes, and now i'll finally reap my just desserts.V: No. I was gonna say, here you are,finally living up to the potential that Cami saw in you. She would've been proud.