
傲骨贤妻 第三季 The Good Wife Season 3-第02集


类型:犯罪 / 剧情 / 悬疑地区:美国年份:2011

导演:肯尼迪 / 麦凯 / 迪恩 / 帕里索 / 普拉特 / 罗斯玛丽 / 罗德里格兹 / 恩里克斯 / 大卫 / 麦科米克

演员:玛丽 / 乔伊斯 / 伊莉莎白 / 特维特 / 丹尼斯 / 凯利 / 詹妮弗 / 雷蒙德 / 马特 / 康奈利 / 贝丝 / 诺斯 / 罗伯特斯 / 马特蒂 / 古默




本剧是CBS今年最热门的一部新剧,由艾美奖得主、在《急诊室的故事》(ER)、《阿法隆迷雾》(Mists of Avalon)和《亡命魔界》(The Lost Room)中有上佳表现的Julianna Margulies主演。故事主要描述政客Peter(Chris Noth扮演)因性丑闻和政治丑闻被捕入狱后,他的妻子Alicia Florrick (Julianna Margulies)不得不结束「家庭主妇」的生活,独立担当起支撑家庭的重任。抛开丈夫的背叛和负面的公众影响不说,光是别人投来的异样眼光,就足以让Alicia这样的官太太羞愧得不敢出门。然而Alicia没有被困难吓倒,她不但要抛头露面,还要重拾自己婚前的职业--辩护律师。
作为芝加哥一所知名法律公司的初级合伙人,Alicia受到了老朋友Will Gardner(Josh Charles扮演)的欢迎。Will是Alicia读法律学校时的同班同学,也是这是法律公司的高级职员。他很乐意看到Alicia归来,他想看看时隔十三年之后,这位昔日叱咤风云的女强人在法庭上会有什么样的表现。Alicia还有幸受到公司顶级诉讼律师Diane Lockhart(Christine Baranski)的大力提携和指导,这多少让她受宠若惊,心存感激。但她很快发现这些「指导」是有条件的,Diane并不像她看起来那么「热心」。要想获得成功,Alicia只能依靠自己。
Alicia在公司里的主要竞争对手是一位20多岁的年轻人,名叫Cary(Matt Czuchry扮演)。他最近刚从哈佛大学毕业,表面上待人非常友好。事实上,为了确保自己在公司的地位,为了得到那个人人都垂涎的「高级合伙人」职位,他不惜动用一切手段。如果Alicia成了他的绊脚石,他将毫不犹豫地将她除去。幸运的是,Alicia在公司内并非孤立无援,负责调查取证工作的Kalinda(Archie Panjabi扮演)是Alicia最坚定的支持者。
「自信每一天」,Alicia深知这句话的含义。从遭人鄙视的政客妻子,到重新振作的职业女性,这条道路或许很漫长,但Alicia不在乎。她要为自己活下去,也要为14岁的儿子Zach(Graham Phillips扮演)和13岁的女儿Grace(Makenzie Vega扮演)早作打算。这么多年以来,Alicia第一次感觉到命运掌握在自己手中,她不再是那个软弱可欺、受人摆布的「贤妻」,而是个自由的女人。



  • 来自网友【疯克阿熙娜】的评论 Seeing Alicia from Season 1 to Season 3, the first strong impression is her growing stronger. If she is a computer, the hardware and software are both upgraded in this stage. The truth is, in workplace, no pressure no grows. The nature of lawyers are wit (smart), client-centered workaholics. So if you are in this game, you have to play it right.My favorite character is Diane, and then Eli and Alicia. Diane is fully devoted into work, and she thinks in big picture, a rational, business woman. She is a good leader and profession. She has a clear stand politically and in work. She has to play the mother role when guys are fighting for positions like boys fighting for toys. And when Will’s relationship with Alicia became a serious problem which will affect the firm, she put the word on the table and asked Will to stop it. One of the strong feelings after watching the show is the boundaries are so clear for almost every character. Lines are drawn apart work and life; work partners and intimate relationships; work and family; business and personal. I admire that people differentiate / separate the clear sense of boundaries so naturally and clearly. It is a cultural/social norm that everyone accepts and respects it. Another thought of mine is there are grey areas in America just like in China. I used to have fantasies that the justice and political system of US should avoid corruptions and bribes etc, and just have realized how naive I was after watching this and the house of cards. As a lawyer, you not only preparing the best you could based on the rules but also catering to judges’ preferences in court, and sometimes you even have to sneak in the flaw of the law in order to win the case. I started to understand why some lawyers quit their job. Generally speaking, the good wife is worth watching; especially it provides a female perspective. The society put women in such challenging positions to balance work, family and intimate relationships. I am encouraged to see these independent female characters. They are independent inside out (emotionally, financially, personal etc.)