来自网友【astrocurrent】的评论This one has special impact on me, which is weird. It has such obvious and many defects, and I love it for them. Very fragile on the outside, tough and tenacious inside. It sure is a Xebec’s production. And it grows on me.That being said, Fafner does have some threshold needs to be crossed over before viewers can enjoy it. The first 12 EPs are stiff and obscure and perhaps a little irritating and boring. But everything comes to light and become entertaining when the series goes on to the 13th EP, when the original story writer Tow Ubukata takes over the writing position. Nobody understand his characters better other than himself. The character development is simply charming. It’s interesting that Psgels mentions Soshi. It’s impossible to enjoy the series if you dislike Soshi. How much evaluation and praise one give to the Fafner series varies with how much one favors Soshi. And after finishing the whole series, then go back to the first 12 EPs, viewers probably would find them become enjoyable as well.I don’t think the OVA is better than the TV series. It is cleaner, and much more straight forward. But it doesn’t have the bitterness that I love during the production of the TV. But it is a very completed piece and the animation is much better and smoother. Enjoy.